TypeScript: Definition
What is TypeScript? What is a shape? Why would you use it in place of JavaScript? When should you choose JavaScript over TypeScript?
TypeScript: Type vs Interface
Which are the differences between types and interfaces?
TypeScript: Use case of the interface merge declaration
Why would someone declare the same interfaces multiple times? There is a special use case where declaration merging makes a lot of sense.
TypeScript: Type inference and explicit typing
What does "inference" mean? How does type inference work? What are the differences between implicit and explicit typing?
Remove duplicated items from an array
What is the most optimal way to remove duplicated elements? Should we care? Is it fine to apply micro-optimizations?
System Design Interview: The interview
Mastering the art of System Design: Tips and tricks for acing your next interview.
System Design Interview: Introductory concepts
What basic concepts should you be familiar with? What is a Single Point of Failure (SPOF)? What components exist in systems?
The importance of T-shaped teams
T-shaped teams boost collaboration and innovation, addressing challenges like diversification interest and maintaining motivation.